Displayed at Art Cube Artists Studios, Jerusalem Israel | March-April 2023

Jugs, Pots and Jars

Artists: Eden Gebre, ‏Lina Otom Jak Agolon, ‏Mabrhit Gebremariam

Eden, Lina and Mabrhit are all members of Kuchinate—an arts-based economic and psychosocial collective for African asylum-seeking women in Tel Aviv.

“Jugs, Pots and Jars” are designed and created by these three women. Their work reflects to the places and traditions they come from. Instead of the traditional and practical objects out of ceramics that they used back in their places of birth these beautiful soft shapes are crochet baskets. Mabrhit refers to the traditional containers of the local beer—suwa—originating from Tigray. Lina to the water vessels that she used in Southern Sudan. In the artists hands memory is shaped out of the materials of the past, transforming them to something new with the experience of refuge and that of the place they reside today.​